首页 > 新闻资讯 > 外贸干货 > 中国机电机械产品出口占比增至近六成,历史新高


所属分类:外贸干货 发布时间:2021.12.15








The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), in conjunction with relevant departments and local governments, will actively implement the "three major plans" for optimal import and export, integration of trade industries and unimpeded trade in order to promote innovative development of foreign trade and make contributions to accelerating the construction of a new development pattern since 2021.

Gao Feng, spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce, said the achievements of the Year are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

In terms of exports and imports, emerging markets have become China's major trading partners, accounting for 49.5 percent of China's exports. Private enterprises played a more prominent role as the main force, with exports accounting for 57.4% of the total. Export quality continued to improve, mechanical and electrical products exports accounted for 59%. In yuan terms, imports of consumer goods grew by 22.3% in the first 10 months of this year, better meeting consumers' demand for high-quality and personalized goods. Imports of advanced technologies, important equipment and key components have kept industrial and supply chains stable and smooth. Cross-border e-commerce imports and exports and market procurement exports grew rapidly. The number of comprehensive foreign trade service enterprises exceeded 1,500, the area of overseas warehouses exceeded 16 million square meters, and about 130 bonded maintenance projects were completed.

In terms of integration of trade industries, 105 new national foreign trade transformation and upgrading bases have been identified to build public service platforms. We will guide the gradual transfer of processing trade to the central and western regions and northeast China, support industrial cooperation between the central and western regions and northeast China and the eastern region, and develop and designate the first batch of 13 national processing trade industrial parks. In the first 10 months of this year, the proportion of processing trade exports from the central and western regions rose by 1.3 percentage points compared with last year to 26.7 percent. At the same time, the first batch of pilot processing of imported goods traded between border residents in 13 counties and cities has been carried out, and the "100 Enterprises entering Border areas" plan has been implemented, attracting nearly 80 enterprises to carry out processing in border areas.

In terms of unimpeded trade, we will encourage the establishment of an international marketing system, increase the publicity and promotion of national public platforms for international marketing services, and continuously expand the function of "single window" for international trade. Through trade platforms such as the China Import Expo and The Canton Fair, we will further support enterprises in expanding the international and domestic markets and smooth the international and domestic double circulation. We will facilitate the integration of domestic and foreign trade, support the transfer of export products to domestic market through a variety of channels, and work to ensure that domestic and foreign products are of the same quality with the same production lines, standards, and standards.

In the next step, The MoFCOM will adhere to innovation-driven, continue to promote innovation in foreign trade models and formats, accelerate the development of new trade formats, actively explore and promote green trade, and promote the digital development of trade, Gao said. "Study and establish policies and systems to promote trade digitization, improve rules and standards, promote international cooperation on trade digitization, vigorously promote the digital transformation of foreign trade enterprises, accelerate the digital empowerment of the whole trade chain, and improve public services for trade digitization."

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