首页 > 新闻资讯 > 外贸干货 > 船运三巨头暂停对俄罗斯的航运业务【地中海/马士基/达飞】


所属分类:外贸干货 发布时间:2022.03.07


地中海船务(MSC)和马士基(Maersk)海运集团,以及达飞海运集团(CMA CGM)在本周二宣布暂停对俄罗斯的航运业务。这是继海洋网联船务公司(Ocean Network Express)和赫伯罗特(Hapag-Lloyd AG)海运集团之后,另外三大海运公司对俄罗斯海运业务实施的暂停措施。这一举动使全球航运业务在经受疫情对零售商品需求激增的情况下受到了更大挑战。但地中海船务和马士基也表示,食品、医疗和人道主义等必需品不在范围内,达飞海运也表示将尽最大努力确保必需品供应链的连续性。

MSC and Maersk, as well as CMA CGM, announced on Tuesday that they were suspending shipping operations to Russia. It follows the suspension of Russian shipping operations by three other shipping companies, Ocean Network Express and Hapag-Lloyd AG. The move adds to the challenges facing global shipping operations amid surging demand for retail goods amid the pandemic. But MSC and Maersk also said food, medical and humanitarian necessities were not covered, while CMA said it would do its best to ensure the continuity of the essential supply chain.

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