外贸企业面对询盘时经常遇到有些外贸买家联系了几次就没有任何消息,还有的是外贸买家一直在联系,就是不下单,这些原因到底是什么呢?其实孚盟软件告诉你,这应该要从外贸买家的身份谈起。 我们知道人的身份不同,在谈生意时的关注点不同,大老板与小老板做生意的所关注的地方不同,打工的与当老板出发点也不一样,因此买家的身份不同,在处理订单的价格、订单的快慢就不同,主要可分下面几类:
1、零售商(Retailer) 一般订单较小,但下单频率快,要货急 ,主要关注价格、交货期,当然质量也是需要的。他们一般也不太会关注卖家实力多大,公司研发能力等,觉得你还专业,沟通畅通,靠谱,下单一般很快。目前在网上大多数是这类客户。以前做外贸时,这类客户碰到最多,从收到询盘到收到TT款,一般三五天就下单,最多半个月搞掂。
2、贸易商(Trader) 对价格较敏感,很多在中国某城市有采购办事处,对中国市场相当熟悉,因此他们会找很多供应商,从中挑选有竞争力的卖家,所以有时虽聊了很久,但可能最终没有选择你,也许是你沟通问题,也许是你价格问题,还有可能把你列入了潜在供应商列,他们手上一般都有订单,一般会在沟通半个月到一个月时间,会有订单。
3、OEM 进口商 对质量要求是较高的,因为你帮他们生产,然后贴他们的牌子在当地销售,当然对质量是严的 ,一般量大,订单较稳,主要关心你公司的R&D能力,工厂规模、质量标准、产品认证、售后服务等。 以前我们公司就是靠这类进口商做大的,从三十多人的小工厂不到两年时间内扩大到1500人的工厂,70%的订单来自于这个客户。
4、连锁超市(supermarket) 类似于沃尔玛、家乐福等连锁超市 ,一般量大,周期较长,而且不会在网上给你下单 ,网上只是先期联系的环节,还要经过筛选环节,面谈考察环节,最后才可能下单,运气好的话也得三个月到半年才能搞掂,作为持久战准备吧。 明白了客户身份,我们就知道,为什么有些客户是“只起风,不下雨”了吧。
Foreign trade enterprises often encounter some foreign trade buyers contact a few times there is no news, but also some foreign trade buyers have been in contact, is not to place orders, what are these reasons in the end? In fact, fu Meng software tells you, this should be from the identity of foreign trade buyers. As we know, people have different identities and have different concerns when talking about business. Big bosses and small bosses pay different attention to doing business, and the starting point of workers and bosses is also different. Therefore, buyers have different identities, and the price and speed of order processing are different, which can be divided into the following categories:
1, Retailer (Retailer) general order is small, but the order frequency is fast, to urgent goods, mainly pay attention to the price, delivery time, of course, quality is also needed. They generally do not pay attention to the strength of the seller, the company's research and development ability, think you are professional, smooth communication, reliable, order is generally very fast. This is the majority of customers currently online. Do foreign trade before, this kind of customer encounter most, from receive inquiry to receive TT money, generally three or five days on the order, up to half a month.
2, traders (Trader) are more sensitive to price, a lot of a certain city has a procurement office in China, the Chinese market is quite familiar with, so they will find many suppliers, choose the competitive sellers, so although sometimes to chat for a long time, but may ultimately have no choice, you may be communication problems, you may be your price, You may also be included in the list of potential suppliers, they usually have orders on hand, usually in half a month to a month after communication, there will be orders.
3. OEM importers have higher requirements on quality, because you help them produce and then paste their brand to sell in the local market. Of course, they are strict about quality, generally large quantity and stable order. In the past, our company grew from a small factory with more than 30 people to a factory with 1500 people in less than two years. 70% of the orders came from this customer.
4, supermarket chain similar to Wal-mart, Carrefour and other chain supermarkets, the general volume is large, the cycle is longer, and not on the Internet to give you an order, online is just the link of the early contact, but also through the screening link, interview inspection link, finally may order, lucky words also have three months to half a year to deal with, Prepare for the long haul. Understand the customer identity, we know, why some customers are "only wind, no rain" bar.